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Intel StrataFlash(TM) Memory Technology 32 and 64 Mbit Datasheet

Capitalizing on two-bit-per-cell technology, Intel StrataFlash(TM) memory products provide 2X the bits in 1X the space. Offered in 64-Mbit (8-Mbyte) and 32-Mbit (4-Mbyte) densities, Intel StrataFlash memory devices are the first to bring reliable, two-bit-per-cell storage technology to the flash market. Intel StrataFlash memory benefits include: more density in less space, lowest cost-per-bit NOR devices, support for code and data storage, and easy migration to future devices. Using the same NOR-based ETOX(TM) technology as Intel's one-bit-per-cell products, Intel StrataFlash memory devices take advantage of 400 million units of manufacturing experience since 1988. As a result, Intel StrataFlash components are ideal for code or data applications where high density and low cost are required. Examples include networking, telecommunications, audio recording, and digital imaging.

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